Hello, a few updates for you. As well as our hopes and aims. The fund raising over the last year was a great success. Thank you all to helped by making rolls up and of course those of you that brought them.
We had a great success with Northen Children's Christmas party. All the kids had a great time and the food was great thank you to all who brought some along. On a very sad note we had to cancel the East Mids party as not enough kids to make it all fun for them.
I have had a lot of contact from ladies lately wanting to get more involved with the BMWD. I always try to reply as soon as possible but not always able to.
Some of you may wonder where and what we intend to do as the BMWD. We are as I see it the back bone to the BM, we are here to make sure the younger generation have some where to come when they realise that they are no longer living in a world that puts them first. We are here to support our men folk and even stand side by side with them when they are out fighting for what is right be it flash demo's, flash leafleting, supporting and attending meetings.One of our latest things that I am trying to sort is food for meetings and other events. So then any funds that are raised at these events more can go to the BM. We are also here to help those that need it from the youngest baby to the eldest person. Be that if they just need to see a friendly face to chat to for a an hour once a week.
Basicly we are trying to build a support network for all involved also for those who just need a bit of help.
As most will know who were at the agm last year. We are trying to start clothing banks up for young families because as most of us know starting a family is not easy or cheap. For this we need some one in each area to be the collector and sorter. All we say is if someone uses the service that once there little ones have grown out of the stuff they return it so someone else can benefit.
We are also trying to organise more family events along with the Young Wolf section of the BM. These at the moment are still in planning but we are looking at a two day bike ride with a camp out for mainly the Young Wolf but a lot of help will be needed. We are hoping to have a two day camp out where all families can meet up in a beautiful part of our land.
As most will know that the clothing bank idea is not my own and credit is due to some one else. Same as the next idea is not my idea but a great idea just the same and one I will try to put into action in our local area, that is to have a support network to help folk who are in hospital so they have a friendly face to visit them also if needed someone to check on their home and perhaps do their washing and help out with other tasks while they are in hospital, also if needed some extra support when they come out.
If any one as any thing they wish to see any thing on the blog please get in touch or you just want more info on any thing. You can use the contact box on the side or email bmwd14@gmail.com.
But the main thing for the BMWD is to maintain and stand by the 14 words. Another quote from one of our ladies "we are the vixens and we are holding and protecting the BM and the 14 words in our arms .
Thank you for your dedication . http://notimeforsilence.wordpress.com/